Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Toys!

Well they say money can't buy happiness. WRONG! We bought new toys on Thursday night.

Rock Band:

We saw rock band in the shops and decided to buy it. The price tag clearly said $199, so we grabbed it, happy to spend that much. But NO, a small, red sticker on one side of the box informed us that the pack with the drum kit, wireless guitar and microphone did NOT include the actual game software! A further $89! Parents watch out for Christmas!

So we thought we would just go all out and get the entire set of the drum kit, 2 wireless guitars and microphone! It's going to be a big hit at Christmas time with everybody playing it.

Now, I have always thought of Guitar Hero as “tetris with timing” and put the upcoming Rock Band into the same category. But I love this game! It is very challenging and involving. The harder the setting, the more fun the songs are! I will be sure to keep the blog updated as we play this more.

Now onto the other toys. First some minor ones (sort of). We bought a coffee maker and a new washing machine. And the news I'm most excited about is that I'm typing this on my new Eee PC. We decided on an Eee PC due to the low price. It was reduced down to $250 from $450. I'm very happy with the Eee PC and will keep the blog updated as I learn more about it!

I have uploaded this entire blog post from my EeePC. Cropped and resized the photos and typed and uploaded all without using my desktop!

1 comment:

Remote Sensing said...

This is pretty cool Alex!
Do you want me to let people know about you website?

From Zac